Welcome to our little place on the web. We hope you find something inspiring or uplifting here. All the music here is totally free. Download it, copy it, share it. Enjoy.

Here it comes. . .

My pay as you go phone gives me the countdown "You have 44 service days remaining." My service just happens to end the 21st of August. . . the same day that she is due to arrive.

God has really blessed us the past few months. Everything just keeps falling in place. We have always had just enough to get by. I have been teaching summer school for a few weeks. seven teenagers, 4 hours a day, and a Geometry book. It has been a good experience. It will get me back in gear for the school year. We are going to be signing for an apartment this week. Starting to collect baby things and hand-me-downs. I just cant seem to wrap my brain around the idea that this thing inside of my wife's belly will soon come out and be a person. A person who will be a part of my life for the rest of my life. . . amazing.


  1. Adam, you always have a way with words that demands thoughtful reflection.

  2. And weird... so weird that you (and Reed & Jade) are having babies. Wasn't it just yesterday we were leaf surfing and tree swinging and bush diving and other completely reckless behaviors?

    Well, if there has to be new people coming into the world, I'm glad some of them will be raised by you. I have no doubts you're a great dad. Oh, I just called you a dad... weird...
